A beautiful Indian drama named Imli is a Hindi language drama. Gul Khan is the producer. It is first premiered on November 16, 2020. It is shown on Star Plus. The main actors are Sumbul Touqeer Khan, Gashmeer Mahajani, Mayuri Deshmukh, Fahmaan Khan, Megha Chakraborty, Karan Vohra, Seerat Kapoor, Zohaib Ashraf. Gul Khan produced a drama series on Star Plus named Imli. It is an Indian Hindi Drama Serial.
The Adventures of a Teenage Girl Her mother had a relationship with a man, and she spent a night with him. They live in a village in Uttar Pradesh named Pagdandia. The mother-Dev Chutarvedi incident was leaked in the village. Chaturvedi left her mother pregnant. The village law states that if a man spends one night with a woman, he must marry her. But the father of Imli Satyakam is against the law.
He stands out as a rebel. A journalist named Aditya was working on this case. His family decided to arrange his engagement with his girlfriend, Malini. But he has to go to Pagdandia for Satyakam case coverage. He is a good, hard-working journalist. When he came to Pagdandia Village, she decided to guide him, and she serves as a guide.
When they are in the jungle, a heavy rainstorm hits the jungle, and they cannot move towards home. So they decided to stay in the jungle. In the morning, when they go into the village, the villagers blame Aditya and accuse him of having raped Imli. In accordance with the decision of the villagers, Aditya will marry Ilmi, then go to his home; otherwise, they will kill him. And forcefully, a marriage program was built.
Aditya was confused now about what he could do and how he would convince his family that he had done nothing. She gives the idea that she will go with Aditya as a servant to his home in the village. She did all this because she knew Aditya was innocent. Now she works as a maid in their home.
After some weeks, he has to come back for this case and to say sorry to Satyakam and make a peace agreement, and he also decided that he will take Imli to Pagdandia. But he also knows that She is in true love. But the new thing is that Malini is also Imli’s half-sister. This was shocking news for Aditya. Aditya tells Malini the whole story; it was also shocking news to her. The way Aditya convinced everyone was impressive. She decided to become a journalist. She showed his desire to Adytia.
Malini got jealous of Aditya and Imli’s relationship. She makes a prominent space in the Tripathi family. Malini decided to break their relationship. Aditya was not aware of her tricks. But She got everything that Malini wanted. She told Aditya about Malini, but he did not believe in Ilmi.
Malini becomes pregnant. After some time, she shoots herself to get Aditya’s attention. Satyakam takes the blame for firing Malini. The whole family is in tension due to this situation. Malini demands to remove Imli from the Tripathi household. Aditya, due to his child, asked Imli to leave the home. When Imli heard this, she fainted. Malini is proficient in acting miserable.
Aryan Rathore, the CEO of Aditya, was taking revenge on Aditya for the death of his brother-in-law. Aditya was innocent in this case, but Aryan understands that he is the accused. Aryan started taking an interest in Imli. After a time, they form a strong bond. Malini makes a trick by sending divorce documents by replacing them. Aditya sent divorce papers to Imli, and she signed the papers. Now Aryan gave moral support to Imli.
Their relationship became more solid. Malini is exposed with the help of Aryan Imli, and Aditya kicks her out of his house. After some time, Aditya’s license was canceled due to some allegations.
The Tripathy family is now suffering too much. Imli requested Aryan to help them; he requested Imli to marry him, but Imli didn’t want to do this, but she did it with some of her conditions. They marry, and Aditya leaves the country. In a marriage, Aryan wants to show his feelings towards Imli; during the show, Imli gets injured and Arya takes care of her; after her recovery, they spend a night together and she gets pregnant.
After 5 years, She started living in Pagdandia and took her journalism to its peak. She fights for the poor. At the same time, Aditya was angry due to the loss of his son. And also, Malini still wants the Imli to end. To take revenge, she set a bomb in which Imli and Arya died. They named their daughter after imli. And the daughter of Malini is Cheeni. Now the story continues with these two contrasting personalities.
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